First Class In Sem 2
A new day, a new semester and a new experience. So as usual the first class is the introduction and briefing of the subject. Well it pretty usual. Dr. Wan also talk about our assessment and assignment that we need to do throughout this semester. For example like Pecha Kucha, and Microbiology Ambassador project. We need to create account, and find information about the topics that we have assigned. My group got topics about Bacteria. So we need to find about bacteria that involve in agriculture. Below is my account. You guys can follow my account if you want. Our next class, we discuss about our first topics, which about Fungi Cc: Pinterest We been assigned to do a mindmap about the topic with our group members without looking the notes. We doing it together so we compile the information together in the paper. Then we pass it to other group to complete our mind map, and repeat for about 2...