Hi everyone this blog is about the experiment or practical that i do with my group members. This blog will contain all the conclusion or summary of the experiment and also as reflection and the things that i newly found out. So last  Tuesday, my member and I do practical ambout the CULTURE TRANSFER TECHNIQUE. Which is that we just learn the technique of culturing and how to prevent it from contamination.

             Above are the procedure on how to culturing. We got to transfer into three media which is S. marcescens, broth culture "A" and broth culture "B". It transfer into slant to broth transfer, broth to slant transfer and slant to agar deep transfer. 

        After we subculture it we wait for the next day to observe the results. The next day,  the result is observe below are the result that I obtain.

S. marcescens to Nutrient Agar Deep

S. marcescens to Nutrient Broth

S. marcescens to Nutrient Agar Slant

Broth culture "A" to Nutrient Agar Deep

Broth culture "A" to Nutrient Broth

Broth culture "A" to Nutrient Agar Slant

Broth culture "B" into Nutrient Broth, Deep Agar and Agar Slant

            It shown that Broth culture "A" and  S. marcescens have positive growth and have orange-red pigmentation inside the tube. While Broth culture "B" do not change and remain the same. For some observation, if something colour black inside the tube it may have contamination. The cause of contamination is because the wrong technique and the loop is not sterile well. Other observation shown that Nutrient Broth of culture "A" and S. marcescens have no orange-red pigmentation. It maybe because the media do not transfer enough or the loop is too hot and  not to be cool first. 

          That is for today. We will continue the next experiment next week. Thank you for drop by. see yaa again.. :)_



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