Second Week of Class

                Hi and good to see you again :) . This week will be the second week of our class with Dr Wan. Dr. Wan continue the lesson. We learn about the general characteristics of microorganisms which are Archaea , Fungi, Protozoa and Algae. The last class Dr. Wan told us to find about what the meaning of "Escherichia coli O157:H7". I found out that the "O157" stand for the osmatic antigen which is the 157th different O antigen. While "H7" means that antigen in flagella in the 7th different H antigen.


                We learn about the general characteristics Archaea. The general characteristics are extremophiles which means that it can thrive in extreme physically and geographically condition or environment. Also Archaea is halophiles which thrive in high concentration of salt and also thermoacidophiles (can grow in high temperature and low pH). It also methanogens which produce methane as a byproduct in anoxic condition. Next is Fungi, example of large multicellular fungi are mushroom (Amanita muscaria). It acquire nutrient by absorption which mean no autotrophs.

            We also learn about Algae. We also discuss about the differentation of algae. Some of the difference is that the colour because of the pigmentation and the type of food storage. Lastly Virus. Which only can be seen through electron microscope or fluorescense microscope. It is a simple microorganisms with DNA or RNA.

                  We also discuss about the first observation. Which it discover by Van Leewenhoek and he propose the Spontaneous Generation. John Needham provide the evidence of spontenous generation which stated that heated nutrient fluids before pouring into covered flask was teeming with microorganisms when cooled. But Lazzaro dissapprove Needham theory, he said that nutrient fluid heated after being sealed in a flask did not develop microbial growth. After that, Rudolph challenge the Spontaneous generation with the Biogenesis theory. Which means that living matter arise when only from other living things. Then Louis Pasteur resolved the Spontaneous generation VS Biogenesis. 

Pasteur's Experiment

Louis Pasteur


              We also learn about the Germ theory proven by Robert Koch. Discovered Bacillus anthracis in blood of cattle that died of anthrax, then he cultured the bacteria and inject into other healthy animals. He reisolate the bacteria the animals catch the same symptoms of the disease animal.  Establishment of Koch's postulates. Which provide the framework for the study of the etiology of any infectious disease.
Next, Edward Jenner thought that swine pox, chickenpox and smallpox are related. He inoculated his own son, by take the blood of a little girl that infected by this disease and inject it into his son. The effect shown that his own son shows the similar symptom as the little girl. He  coined the term vaccination and it was adopted by Pasteur to represent the immunization.

The germ theory and vaccination

Edward Jenner

            That it for today, i will update more about what we will next week. See ya again :). Thank you 


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