Hi and welcome guys to my second entry of this blog. Today will going to be the second experiment. The experiment today is to learn how to isolate the dicrete colonies from a mixed culture and the cultural characteristics of microorganisms.
From this experiment, we should be able to perform the streak-plate and/or the spread-plate inoculation procedure to separate the cells of a mixed culture so that discrete colonies can be isolated.

                We learn the two techniques, which is the streak-plate and spread-plate techniques. The difference between the both of the technique sis that the spread-plate techniques we use the glass rod to spread the culture while the streak-plate we use the loop.

Streak-plate technique

Spread-plate technique

            For the next experiment, we should be able to detrmine the cultural characteristics of microorganisms as an aid in identifying and classifying organisms into taxonomic groups. For this one we use the asepthic techniques as previous experiment, but in straight line not in zig-zag. For this we do straight line because we want to see the colonies clearly.

Below are some picture that we take during experiment and also the result that we obtain when doing the streaking and spreading plate techniques.

Me, doing the spread-plate technique

some of my group member

           The result that we obtain is the day after we did the experiment, some of our agar plate appear single colonies but some does not. It may because the loop is to hot and must be cool down first or the wrong  technique of streaking or spreading.
This is some our result that we obtain that i manage to capture the picture, you can see it below:

Environmental culture: Spread-plate

S. a: E. c

Environmental culture streak-plate 

P. aeruginosa

M. luteus

        When we done observing the result, we proceed with part B experiment which using aseptic techniques to isolate the pure culture from spread-plate or streak-plate.
So generally, this experiment teach us on how to be able to streaking and spreading in the correct way to produce single colonies. That's all for today i will continue next week. Thank you :)


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