Hi and welcome to my blog, for this week I will talk about the prokaryotes imtracellular structure. The intracellular structure of prokaryotes consist of plasma membrane, cytoplasm, the nuclear area, ribosome, inclusion and endospore .The function of plasma membrane are to ensure the composition of extracellular fluid is not the same, selectively permeable barrier. The other functions of plasma membrane are synthesizes cell wall components,assists in DNA replication,carries on respiration and captures energy as ATP.
Plasma membrane

The movements of materials across membranes :
-Passive processes:
i)Simple diffusion
ii)Facilitated diffusion
-Active processes:
i)Active transport
ii)Group translocation

Active transport are substances are moved by transporter proteins from low to high concentration. Cell has to expand energy for this to happen. For group translocation molecules are chemically modified during passage across cytoplasmic membrane, energy is expended.


The term cytoplasm refers to the substance of the cell inside the plasma membrane.Also contain proteins,carbohydrates,lipids,inorganic ions and many low molecular weight compounds.

The nuclear area are single long circular molecule of double-stranded DNA (bacterial chromosome).It do not include histones and are not surrounded by nuclear envelope.Plasmid are small circular, double stranded DNA. Extrachromosomal genetic to bacterial chromosome and replicate independently of chromosomal DNA.Next, ribosome functionas the sites of protein synthesis.


Lipid inclusions have storage material -polymer poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid, it revealed by Sudan dyes (fat-soluble). Next, endospore called because the spore is formed within the cell. Spores are very impermeable to dye. However, tey  can be stained with special dye, Malachite green.


I think that all that I can share about the intracellular structure of prokaryotes. I will update more next time. Thank you for visit my blog. Goodbye. :)


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