
Showing posts from September, 2017


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone, today class we learn about the  new topic which is Microscopy. First of all the objective of this topic are that we will be able to identify and compare the use of dark field, bright field, phase contrast, fluorescent and electron microscopes. The other objective is that we able to describe the use of staining in microscopy. Below are image of microscopy with the lable. In the class we also discuss about the skin pathogen which is skin disease. The cause of pimples are Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus aureus . Cutibacterium (Propionibacterium) acnes  is the relatively slow-growing, typically aerotolerant anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium   (rod) linked to the skin  condition of acne. For more information about this you can visit this website  Propionibacterium Propionibacterium acnes We also discuss about the type of microscope which are bright field, dark field, phase-contrast, electron ...


              Hi and welcome guys to my second entry of this blog. Today will going to be the second experiment. The experiment today is to learn how to isolate the dicrete colonies from a mixed culture and the cultural characteristics of microorganisms. From this experiment, we should be able to perform the streak-plate and/or the spread-plate inoculation procedure to separate the cells of a mixed culture so that discrete colonies can be isolated.                 We learn the two techniques, which is the streak-plate and spread-plate techniques. The difference between the both of the technique sis that the spread-plate techniques we use the glass rod to spread the culture while the streak-plate we use the loop. Streak-plate technique Spread-plate technique             For the next experiment, we should be able to detrmine the cultural characteristics of microorganisms as an aid in i...


             Hi everyone this blog is about the experiment or practical that i do with my group members. This blog will contain all the conclusion or summary of the experiment and also as reflection and the things that i newly found out. So last  Tuesday, my member and I do practical ambout the CULTURE TRANSFER TECHNIQUE. Which is that we just learn the technique of culturing and how to prevent it from contamination.              Above are the procedure on how to culturing. We got to transfer into three media which is  S. marcescens, broth culture "A" and broth culture "B". It transfer into  slant to broth transfer, broth to slant transfer and slant to agar deep transfer.          After we subculture it we wait for the next day to observe the results. The next day,  the result is observe below are the result that I obtain. S. marcescens to Nutrient Agar Deep S. marcescens...

Second Week of Class

                Hi and good to see you again :) . This week will be the second week of our class with Dr Wan. Dr. Wan continue the lesson. We learn about the general characteristics of microorganisms which are Archaea , Fungi, Protozoa and Algae. The last class Dr. Wan told us to find about what the meaning of " Escherichia coli O157:H7". I found out that the "O157" stand for the osmatic antigen which is the 157th different O antigen. While "H7" means that antigen in flagella in the 7th different H antigen. E.coli                 We learn about the general characteristics Archaea. The general characteristics are extremophiles which means that it can thrive in extreme physically and geographically condition or environment. Also Archaea is halophiles which thrive in high concentration of salt and also thermoacidophiles (can grow in high temperature and low pH). It also methanogens which p...

First week in Microbiology class

First day of class Microbiology (13/9/2017)            It is the first day class of microbiology. I'm slightly nervous and excited of what will we going through today. As our lecturer Dr. Wan came, she briefly introduces herself and she started to ask us question. She also told us to make 9 group which contain in a group 1 Malaysia. I'm in a group of 5 people. She throw a few question to us about microorganisms and the group of microorganisms. I feel flustered when suddenly Dr. Wan just ask us question without we learn anything but she said that it is her own ways to teach us which is the "Ask question style". She also said that once we go inside the the room, we also going inside the microbiology world.                    On that day, we also learn about the biggest bacteria in the world. It is Thimargarita namibiensis.  Is a gram negative coccoid Proteobacterium, found in ocea...